- Sumner, E.; Pižl, M.; McQuaid, K. T.; Hartl, F. Nitrile Substituents at the Conjugated Dipyridophenazine Moiety as Infrared Redox Markers in Electrochemically Reduced Heteroleptic Ru(II) Polypyridyl Complexes. Inorganic Chemistry 2024, 63 (5), 2460-2469.
- Štefanková, D.; Skrbek, K.; Pižl, M.; Bartůněk, V. Nano and mesosized selenium and its synthesis using the ascorbic acid route. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 2023, 616, 122462.
- Kearney, L.; Brandon, M. P.; Coleman, A.; Chippindale, A. M.; Hartl, F.; Lalrempuia, R.; Pižl, M.; Pryce, M. T. Ligand-Structure Effects on N-Heterocyclic Carbene Rhenium Photo- and Electrocatalysts of CO2 Reduction. Molecules 2023, 28 (10), 4149.
- Pižl, M.; Hunter, B. M.; Sazanovich, I. V.; Towrie, M.; Gray, H. B.; Záliš, S.; Vlček, A., Excitation-Wavelength-Dependent Photophysics of d8d8 Di-isocyanide Complexes. Inorganic Chemistry 2022, 61 (6), 2745-2759
- Taylor, J. O.; Pižl, M.; Kloz, M.; Rebarz, M.; McCusker, C. E.; McCusker, J. K.; Záliš, S.; Hartl, F.; Vlček, A., Optical and Infrared Spectroelectrochemical Studies of CN-Substituted Bipyridyl Complexes of Ruthenium(II).Inorganic Chemistry 2021, 60 (6), 3514-3523
- Sondermann, C.; Pižl, M.; Paretzki, A.; Feil, C.; Ringenberg, M. R.; Záliš, S.; Kaim, W., Analysis of a Diimine-Organonickel Redox Series. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2020, 2020 (31), 3010-3015.
- Pižl, M.; Picchiotti, A.; Rebarz, M.; Lenngren, N.; Yingliang, L.; Záliš, S.; Kloz, M.; Vlček, A., Time-Resolved Femtosecond Stimulated Raman Spectra and DFT Anharmonic Vibrational Analysis of an Electronically Excited Rhenium Photosensitizer. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2020, 124 (7), 1253-1265.
- Guricová, M.; Tobrman, T.; Pižl, M.; Žižková, S.; Hoskovcová, I.; Dvořák, D., Synthesis, characterisation and electrochemical properties of Cr(0) aminocarbene complexes containing condensed heteroaromatic moiety. J Organomet Chem 2020, 905, 121023.
- Takematsu, K.; Pospíšil, P.; Pižl, M.; Towrie, M.; Heyda, J.; Záliš, S.; Kaiser, J. T.; Winkler, J. R.; Gray, H. B.; Vlček, A., Hole Hopping Across a Protein–Protein Interface. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2019, 123 (7), 1578-1591.
- Zelenka, J.; Svobodová, E.; Tarábek, J.; Hoskovcová, I.; Boguschová, V.; Bailly, S.; Sikorski, M.; Roithová, J.; Cibulka, R., Combining Flavin Photocatalysis and Organocatalysis: Metal-Free Aerobic Oxidation of Unactivated Benzylic Substrates. Organic Letters 2019, 21 (1), 114-119.
- Mojr, V.; Pitrová, G.; Straková, K.; Prukała, D.; Brazevic, S.; Svobodová, E.; Hoskovcová, I.; Burdziński, G.; Slanina, T.; Sikorski, M.; Cibulka, R., Flavin Photocatalysts for Visible-Light [2+2] Cycloadditions: Structure, Reactivity and Reaction Mechanism. ChemCatChem 2018, 10 (4), 849-858.
- Chen, L.; Lim, K. J. C.; Babra, T. S.; Taylor, J. O.; Pižl, M.; Evans, R.; Chippindale, A. M.; Hartl, F.; Colquhoun, H. M.; Greenland, B. W. A macrocyclic receptor containing two viologen species connected by conjugated terphenyl groups. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 2018, 16 (27), 5006-5015
- Murašková, V.; Dušek, M.; Buryi, M.; Laguta, V.; Huber, Š.; Sedmidubský, D. Synthesis, characterization and X-ray crystal structure of an iron(III) complex of a tripodal pyridoxal Schiff base ligand: effects of positional disorder on its magnetic properties, Transit. Met. Chem. 2018, 43, 605-619
- Pižl, M.; Jankovský, O.; Guricová, M.; Hoskovcová, I.; Sedmidubský, D.; Bartůněk, V. Mixed Yttrium–Ytterbium–Erbium Schiff Base Complex as a Model Precursor for Mixed Nanosized Rare Earths Oxides. Journal of Cluster Science 2018, 29 (4), 549-553
- Guricová, M.; Pižl, M.; Smékal, Z.; Nádherný, L.; Čejka, J.; Eigner, V.; Hoskovcová, I., Template synthesis and structure of Co(II), Ni(II), and Cu(II) complexes with pyridoxilydenetaurinate Schiff base ligand. Inorganica Chimica Acta 2018, 477, 248-256.
- Pižl, M.; Hunter, B. M.; Greetham, G. M.; Towrie, M.; Záliš, S.; Gray, H. B.; Vlček, A., Ultrafast Wiggling and Jiggling: Ir2(1,8-diisocyanomenthane)42+. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2017, 121 (48), 9275-9283.
- Murašková, V.; Szabó, N.; Pižl, M.; Hoskovcová, I.; Dušek, M.; Huber, Š.; Sedmidubský, D., Self assembly of dialkoxo bridged dinuclear Fe(III) complex of pyridoxal Schiff base with CC bond formation – Structure, spectral and magnetic properties. Inorganica Chimica Acta 2017, 461, 111-119.
- Pižl, M.; Jankovský, O.; Ulbrich, P.; Szabó, N.; Hoskovcová, I.; Sedmidubský, D.; Bartůněk, V., Facile preparation of nanosized yttrium oxide by the thermal decomposition of amorphous Schiff base yttrium complex precursor. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 2017, 830, 146-149.
- Langmaier, J.; Pižl, M.; Samec, Z.; Záliš, S.; Extreme Basicity of Biguanide Drugs in Aqueous Solutions: Ion Transfer Voltammetry and DFT Calculations. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2016, 120 (37), 7344-7350.
- Váňová, H.; Tobrman, T.; Hoskovcová, I.; Dvořák, D.; Modular Synthesis of Fischer Biscarbene Complexes of Chromium. Organometallics, 2016, 35(17), 2999-3006
- Metelková, R.; Hoskovcová, I.; Polášek, M.; Urban, J.; David, T.; Ludvík, J.; Stereoisomeric products of electrochemical reduction of heterocyclic Fischer aminocarbene Cr(0) complexes. Development of the electrochemistry-mass spectrometry tandem approach using biphasic (acetonitrile-hexane) preparative electrolysis. Electrochimica Acta 2015, 162, 17-23
- Kvapilová, H.; Hoskovcová, I.; Ludvík, J.; Záliš, S.; Theoretical Predictions of Redox Potentials of Fisher-Type Chromium Aminocarbene Complexes. Organometalics, 2014, 33, 4964-4972
- Kvapilová, H.; Eigner, V.; Hoskovcová, I.; Tobrman, T.; Čejka, J.; Záliš, S.; Structural flexibility of 2-hetaryl chromium aminocarbene complexes: Experimental and theoretical evidence. Inorganica Chimica Acta 2014, 421, 439-445
Kapitola ve sborníku
Jiří Ludvík, Irena Hoskovcová
Chapter 48, p.653-665 in:
Advances in Organometallic Chemistry and Catalysis: The Silver/Gold Jubilee International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry Celebratory Book,
First Edition. Edited by Armando J. L. Pombeiro.
© 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2014 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc
Aktualizováno: 27.1.2025 15:15, Autor: Martin Pižl