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Nacházíte se: VŠCHT PrahaFCHTÚstav anorganické chemie  → O ústavu → Lidé — seznam zaměstnanců a studentů → David Sedmidubský

David Sedmidubský


Professor of inorganic chemistry

Office: Room n° 210b, building A, Technická 5
Tel./Fax: +420 220 444 122
Lab: G-01, A-building, Technická 5
Tel.: +420 220 444 082
E-mail: sedmidub[@]
Degrees: Prof. Dr. Ing.
Groups: Theoretical chemistry, Oxide materials, Semiconductors and nanomaterials
Assignment: Head of the department

Curriculum vitae

born September 3rd, 1966 in Prague


  • 1989 - graduated, ICT Praque, Technology of ceramics, Diploma work: Forming of high TC superconductors from plastic mixture.
  • 1993 - PhD, Institute of Physics ASCR / ICT Prague, Chemistry of advanced inorganic materials, Thesis: Structure and properties of Bi2+xSr2-yCuO6+d solid solutions.
  • 2002 – associate professor, ICT Prague, Inorganic chemistry, Habilitation: Thermodynamics of transition metal oxides.
  • 2007 – professor, ICT Prague, Inorganic chemistry.


  • 1993-1994 - Research worker - Institute of Physics ASCR
  • 1995-2002 - Assistant professor, ICT Prague
  • 2003-2006 - Associate professor, ICT Prague
  • 2009-2016 - Head of the Department of Inorganic Chemistry, ICT Prague

Foreign attachments

  • 1994-1995 - Institute de Chimie de la Matiére Condensée Bordeaux, CNRS, Pessac, France (Post Doc, 1 year)
  • 1999-2000 - Laboratoire CRISMAT, CNRS, Caen, France (visiting professor - 3 months)
  • 2003-2004 - Institute for Transuranium elements, Joint Research Centre, European Commission, Karlsruhe, Germany (visiting scientist, 1 year)
  • 2008-2009 - Institute for Transuranium elements, Joint Research Centre, European Commission, Karlsruhe, Germany (grant holder category 40, 1 year)

Research activity

Main fields

  • Thermodynamics of materials
  • Crystal chemistry
  • Electronic structure of solids

Overview 1987 – 2016

  • 1987-1990 – ceramic technology of high TC superconductors (mainly YBa2Cu3O7-d)
  • 1991-1994 – crystal chemistry, electric transport and phase equilibria of Bi-based high TC superconductors (mainly Bi2+xSr2-yCuO6+d)
  • 1993-1995 – synthesis, structure and physical properties of Co and Ni analogues of Tl-based high TC superconductors
  • 1996-1999 – high temperature calorimetry and phase diagram calculations in partially open system Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O
  • 1998-2001 – high temperature calorimetry and phase diagram calculations in partially open system Hg-Ba-Ca-Cu-O
  • 1999-2002 – modeling of phase equlibria in La-Sr-Mn-O system, vacancy ordering in SrMnO3-d
  • 2000-2003 – spin glass systems in perovskite manganites (Y1-xCaxMnO3)
  • 2002-2005 – charge ordering and thermodynamic modeling in Bi-based mangnites, misfit layered cobaltites with high thermopower
  • 2004-2005 – electronic structure and thermodynamic properties of actinide nitrides, heat capacity of Ln,Zr-pyrochlores and Ln-orthophosphates
  • 2004-2008 – thermodynamic properties and modeling of AIIIBV semiconductors
  • 2008-2015 – thermolectric cobaltites, magnetic semiconductors
  • 2013-2016 – graphene and its derivatives, layered chalcogenides
  • 2013-2016 – material properties of non-stoichiometric solids


ceramic technology, single crystal growth, chemical thermodynamics (experimental determination of phase equilibria, thermodynamic calculations), high temperature calorimetry (HF DSC, DTA, drop calorimetry), TGA, low temperature heat capacity, electrical transport (electrical resistivity, thermoelectric power), electronic structure calculations (LAPW), powder X-ray diffraciton – Rietveld structure refinement, SEM/EMA.


  • International journals - 225 (2900 citations)
  • Czech journals - 10
  • h-index - 28
  • Conference presentations - 40 talks, 145 posters or other communications
  • Patents - 1

Selected publications 2010 – 2016

  1. D.Sedmidubský, R.J.M.Konings, P.Souček, Ab-initio calculations and Phase Diagram Assessments of An-Al Systems (An = U, Np, Pu), J.Nucl.Mater. 397 (2010) 1-7
  2. J.Leitner, P.Voňka, D.Sedmidubský, P.Svoboda, Application of Neumann-Kopp Rule for the Estimation of Heat Capacity of Mixed Oxides, Thermochimica Acta 497 (2010) 7-13
  3. D. Sedmidubský, V. Jakeš, O. Jankovský, J. Leitner, Z. Sofer, J. Hejtmánek, Phase Equilibria in Ca-Co-O system, J. Sol. St. Chem. 194 (2012) 199-205
  4. P.Holba, D.Sedmidubský, Heat capacity equations for nonstoichiometric solids, J.Therm.Anal.Calorim.113 (2013) 239-245
  5. P. Šimek, Z. Sofer, O. Jankovský, D. Sedmidubský, M. Pumera, Oxygen-Free Highly Conductive Graphene Papers, Advanced Functional Materials 24 (2014) 4878-4885
  6. D.Sedmidubský, P.Holba, Material properties of nonstoichiometric solids, J.Therm.Anal.Calorim. 120 (2015) 183-188
  7. O.Jankovský, D.Sedmidubský, J.Vítek, Z. Sofer, Phase equilibria in Sr-Co-O system in air atmosphere, Journal of the European Ceramic Society 35 (2015) 935-940
  8. O.Jankovský, Z.Sofer, J.Vítek, J.Luxa, T.Hlásek, D.Sedmidubský, Phase diagram of the Bi-Sr-Co-O system: Towards the Material Tailoring of Thermoelectric Cobaltites, Journal of the European Ceramic Society 35[11] (2015) 3005-3012
  9. L.Wang, Z.Sofer, J.Luxa, D.Sedmidubský, A.Ambrosi, M.Pumera, Rhenium Sulfide Is Highly Catalytic for the Hydrogen Evolution Reaction: Experimental and Theoretical Study, Electrochemistry Communications 63 (2016) 39-43 
  10. Z.Sofer, D.Sedmidubský, Š.Huber, J.Luxa, D.Bouša, C.Boothroyd, M.Pumera, Layered black phosphorus: strongly anisotropic magnetic, electronic and electron transfer properties, Angewandte Chemie 55 (2016) 3382-3386

Education activity


Practical training:

Graduation theses supervision:

  • O. Jankovský, Influence of synthesis and fabrication on the thermoelectric properties of Ca3Co4O9 Cobaltite (2011)
  • L. Nádherný, Thin films of ZnO based magnetic semiconductors (2011)
  • O. Beneš, Charge ordering in Bi-based manganites (2005)
  • F. Homola, High temperature oxide thermoelectric materials (2005)
  • A. Strejc, Thermodynamic properties of phases in Bi-Sr-Cu-O system (1998)
  • E. Fialová, Phase equilibria study of the Bi2O3-WO3binary system (1998)

PhD. theses supervision:

  • V. Murašková, Synthesis and characterization of Fe(III) complexes with pyridoxal Schiff base ligands (2018)
  • O. Jankovský, Thermodynamic stability of bismuth-strontium cobaltites (2015)
  • L. Nádherný, Thin films and thermodynamic stabitlity of ZnO doped by transition metals (2015)
  • Š. Huber, Sythesis and characterization of bulk dilute magnetic semiconductors (2014)
  • O. Beneš, Thermodynamic modeling of actinide fluorides systems (2008)
  • A. Strejc, Thermodynamic and structural properties of mixed valence oxides (2004)


  • Czech ceramic society (Executive board)
  • Inorganic chemistry professional group (Executive board), Czech chemical society
  • Chemical thermodynamics professional group (Executive board), Czech chemical society
  • Thermal analysis professional group (Executive board), Czech chemical society
  • Czechoslovac association for crystal growth
  • Czech Ceramic Society
Aktualizováno: 13.9.2019 14:25, Autor: David Sedmidubský

Technická 5
166 28 Praha 6 – Dejvice
IČO: 60461373
DIČ: CZ60461373

Datová schránka: sp4j9ch

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