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Materials for Photonics

Photonics is concerned with the use of photons to work with or to replace electrons in certain communications, computer, or control applications traditionally carried out by electronics. Photonics has already proved to be one of the key technologies of the information age.

Our profile

In our laboratory, we study fabrication and properties of active and passive planar and channel optical waveguides as basic elements of photonics devices in optical crystals and optical glasses.

Our research is supported by GACR grants and the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.

Head of the group

Assoc. Prof. Pavla Nekvindova, MSc, PhD

Assistant Professors

Petr Varak, MSc, PhD

PhD students

Jakub Volf, MSc 


Lenka Turkova


Sara Ryvolova
Olga Samuseva
Artem Simoniakin
Jan Abrhám


Ivana Venkrbcova
Jan Baborak, MSc, PhD (ADVACAM s.r.o.)
Jakub Cajzl, MSc, PhD (Ceska sporitelna)
Karla Jenickova, MSc
Sona Vytykacova, MSc, PhD (now: Ústav fotoniky a elektroniky, AV ČR)
Banu Akhetova, MSc (now: Nazarbayev University)
Pavlina Tresnakova, MSc, PhD (now: VŠCHT Praha)
Stanislava Stara, MSc, PhD (now: Preciosa)
Linda Salavcova, MSc, PhD (now: Universita Pardubice)
Hana Malichova, MSc (now: VŠCHT Praha)
Stanislav Stanek, MSc, PhD (now: SAINT-GOBAIN ADFORS CZ s.r.o.)
Jakub Altsmid, MSc, PhD (now: Preciosa a.s.)


Our students Petr Varak and Jan Baborak have succesfully passed the final exam obtaining thus the title PhD. Congratulations!
(date: December 2023)

Our laboratory was equipped with a luminescence spectroscopy (2020), a new furnace for melting optical glasses (2017) and a new mode spectroscopy - Metricon Prism Coupler (2011). For more information please go to section "Research".

High level of knowledge of our students and researchers has been proved by obtaining numerous awards:

The Foundation Preciosa award for outstanding student presentation (Ivana Venkrbcová)
Award of the Czech Ceramic Society for outstanding diploma thesis (Jakub Volf)
The best poster presentation award at the conference "New Inorganic Functional Oxides: Synthesis, Characterisation and Simulations" (Orléans, France, Jan Baborák)

„Young Scientist Poster Award“ for the best poster presentation at "The 14th international Conference on Solid State Chemistry (SSC) 2021" (Jakub Cajzl)

Award of the Czech Ceramic Society for outstanding diploma thesis (Petr Vařák)

The Foundation Preciosa award (Petr Vařák)

The Julie Hamackova Award in category: extraordinary contribution of a woman to the development of science, research and pedagogy at UCTPrague (Pavla Nekvindová)


The best presentation award on the E-MRS Fall Meeting 2014 (Pavla Nekvindová, Jakub Cajzl)
SPIE award for the 3rd best student presentation on Photonics Prague 2014 conference (Jakub Cajzl)
Award of the CRYTUR’s company (Sona Vytykacova)


The Foundation Preciosa award (Stanislav Stanek, Sona Vytykacova)


The Foundation Preciosa award (Stanislav Staněk, Jakub Cajzl)
Awards of the Moser's company (Soňa Vytykáčová)
Awards of the ICT and the Unipetrol company for outstanding disertation thesis (Blanka Švecová)


The Van Derck Fréchette International Young Researcher Award (Stanislava Stará, Blanka Švecová)

Updated: 9.12.2024 09:36, Author: uach

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